Song Title: "Millionaire Ninu Traffic"
Artist Name: Six Fo
Genre: Afro Trap
Location: Lagos
Bio: Six Fo is a HipHop artist hailing from Lagos. He got his start as one of the emerging artists in Africa and he is now stepping out and delivering a whole new product.
Check out Six Fo at the following links:
Soundcloud link: ignorsixfo/millionaire-ninu-tr affic
YouTube Link: Wjq8
Instagram: https://instagram.c om/signorsixfo
Facebook: /signorsixfo
Listen to Six Fo and other participating artist on the BLVDAVE 2018 Show & Prove Playist here on Soundcloud !!!
Listen to Six Fo and other participating artist on the BLVDAVE 2018 Show & Prove Playist here on Soundcloud !!!